Adults already bring with them everyday knowledge on virtually every topic, with which they are able to address and solve certain questions in their own way. If new knowledge is now imparted without reference to this everyday knowledge, there is a danger that the new knowledge will never become effective.

CENF wants to build on these previous experiences and lead the learners to a higher level in everyday mathematics. The aim is to increase the self-confidence of the learners.

This module shows a model of concrete competence based on experience and presents the instruction methods (directly/indirectly).

In order to achieve learning success, it is important to take up the everyday knowledge of the learners and to make it possible for the learners to experience how the new knowledge develops their previous knowledge. The idea of Realistic Mathematics is an instructional method that is ideally suited to achieving learning success.

Teachers reflect on the suitability of these concepts for their teaching and consider examples that they can use. They also keep an eye on the different levels of performance of the learners.

It’s about:

  • to provide a model of effective knowledge and situational competence of adults
  • Represent different learning objectives of adults and derive appropriate teaching methods from them
  • Introduce the instruction methods direct instruction
  • Get to know the approach of Realistic Mathemtics

PD – Activity 1
Reflection, discussion: “Which task is easier?”

To open the subjective perspective of the teachers (prior knowledge, prior beliefs, prior experiences on the theme)

PD – Activity 2
Mr. Miller has a job interview

To study and discuss two or more examples of how this can be addressed in a Adult Numeracy activity. Mr. Müller has a Job interview       

PD  – Activity 3
Find your own examples and describe learning paths

To design by/with teachers of one or more Adult Numeracy Activities for his/her own teaching situation, exchange results between the teachers. Discuss.Suggestions

Challenges for teaching?

To reflect on the levels addressed in this mini-module.

Knowledge Theory

Productive Failure

Needs of learning adults

Realistic Mathematics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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